Friday, October 31, 2008

How to Hide Groups on MySpace

How to Hide Groups on MySpace

MySpace is a great source to connect people across the globe. Once you have set up your own page, anyone can find you by simply going to the MySpace search page. This is a great way to meet others with similar interests to your own, and to develop relationships – whether you restrict those relationships to the virtual realm or otherwise. You can also use MySpace to keep in touch with current friends through email, blogs and bulletins.

The fact that this information is available for the world to see makes it easy for people to find out things about you that you might prefer they didn't. For example, you might belong to particular MySpace groups that you would not want your boss or family members to know about. There is also a security risk in opening up so much up your personal life to the Internet community at large. This is where knowing how to hide groups on MySpace might be a useful function. In addition to hiding your groups, you can also hide your contact table and your comments to ensure that some things in cyberspace remain private.

Hiding Groups

Learning how to hide groups on MySpace groups is not hard. The first step is to log into your account and click on the "Settings" link. When you get to that page, there will be a "Miscellaneous" selection located on the far right side of the menu. Click on that link, and then find the "Display Groups in Profile" option. Unselect the option, and then click "Save all Changes". Once you have completed this very simple process, people that go to your MySpace profile will no longer be able to view the groups that you are a part of.

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